Sellics Benchmarker Review: How We Did $12,509 With Amazon Sponsored Products Ads In 1 Day?

Sellics Benchmarker Review: How We Did $12,509 With Amazon Sponsored Products Ads In 1 Day?

In this video, I show you How We Did $12,509 With Amazon Sponsored Products Ads In 1 Day using Sellics Benchmarker tool. I also do a detailed review of this free Amazon Advertising Benchmark tool

What’s up fam, I hope you’re having a fantastic day!

In this article, I want to share with you a brilliant Amazon Advertising Benchmarks tool that is 100% free that can help you crush Amazon Advertising, amazon PPC and Sponsored Products to help you reach your advertising goals by giving you competitive insights, data-driven insights and showing you how your campaigns are stacking up against industry benchmarks. Whether you’re into Merch By Amazon or KDP or FBA, this tool will let you know how your Amazon PPC campaigns stack up against your competitors? Up until now, there was no way to find out. But this tool is changing that. It will let you compare your own ad stats against the industry standards in your product category, and will basically let you know how your campaigns are performing. Plus, it can help you tweak your ads to improve your Amazon conversion rate, ACoS score, cost of sales, click-through rate, advertising cost, advertising performance funnel, and all the advertising metrics of your advertising campaigns in general. You’ll be able to maximise your advertising spend, advertising dollars and advertising fees, hit your key performance indicators, advertising performance KPIs advertising goals and take your advertising optimization to the next level. Sellics Benchmark is the first tool of its kind and currently free to use for all Amazon sellers. I’m gonna leave you a link in the description to get it for free and will show you how it works so you can go right ahead and analyse your ppc campaigns to make them profitable. If you stick around till the end, I’ve got a nice giveaway for you, so stick around till the end to find out how to enter.

In the end I’ll show you some of the crazy results of our current Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands Amazon PPC campaigns that we’ve been able to achieve with this Sellics Benchmark tool, so stick around.

So, if this Sellics Benchmark tool doesn’t help with product listings, Amazon SEO, keyword harvesting, keyword clustering, identifying negative keywords, collecting relevant keywords,  optimising your seller central account, what are the use cases for this software? Well, if your Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Display Ads or PPC campaigns are not profitable, then you definitely need this Sellics Advertising Sellics Benchmark tool to get a detailed score and know where you’re going wrong and tweak a few things to get them performing. If your PPC campaigns are already profitable, then using this Detailed Benchmarks tool which gives you Amazon Advertising Benchmarks will help you identify the elements that make them profitable, so you can improve them even further and maximise your advertising KPI’s, advertising investment and advertising efforts in general, and it’s simply rinse and repeat from here. It’s like having your own advertising specialist or advertising expert for free.

A lot of people ask me, how do I optimise my PPC? What metrics do I look at to optimise PPC? My ACoS score is too high, how do I optimise it. So enough guess work, this video will explain it all in a few steps which I need you to follow very carefully to get the best value. You’ll be able to know exactly how your PPC campaigns compare against your competition and know the exact elements you need to change to optimise them.

So to get this Sellics Benchmark tool for free, click here. Sign up by clicking on the benchmark your account button, enter your details and link with your amazon advertising account. It will take up to 24h to pull the data depending on your products then you’ll get an email with your report.

My Tools and Resources

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Sellics Benchmarker Review: How We Did $12,509 With Amazon Sponsored Products Ads In 1 Day?

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Author: Adnan Maghribi

Thank you for visiting my “about me” page. I’m Adnan, a family man and an successful entrepreneur. I created this blog to share my journey in building different online businesses that make over 5 figures each month not pocket money. Over the years, I’ve acquired experience in many online business ideas including Amazon FBA, Merch By Amazon, Etsy, Print On Demand (POD), Shopify, Running A Digital Marketing Agency, SEO, Affiliate Marketing and much more… I share my learning along the way in regards to online business ideas I’ve already pursued as well as new ventures and any general business tips and tricks that you guys might benefit from. Business Background I’ve acquired an undergraduate and a Masters Degree both in Business Management. I’ve held important middle and upper Sales management positions in Multinational Companies and when I got tired of the rat race and corporate bureaucracy, I decided to become a full-time entrepreneur since 2017. I was that person who worked so hard to achieve targets and motivate my team to deliver no matter what. Yes I earned great commissions and bonuses but I always felt trapped because I simply had no freedom. No freedom to earn more than a great salary, an attractive commission and bonus scheme. No freedom to work when I want and take vacations when I want. So I decided to take back my control and I quick my job to be an entrepreneur. It was the best decision of my life! Follow my journey, it my just be the help you need to change your life around! My Social Media My Youtube Channels Addie P Moroccan In London My Instagram Addie P Moroccan In London Facebook Groups Merch By Amazon Ninjas International Edition Merch By Amazon Ninjas Arabic Edition

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